Sunday, May 3, 2015

World Environmental Day Competition Finalist!

Hi Everybody,
I am so pleased and thankful to announce that UNEP, the United Nations Environmental Programme, has selected my blog as one of their top 10 finalist in the World Environmental Day competition.  I am in a state of shock, as my blog "The Dinner Party with 7 Billion Guests" was my first blog ever.  I think I should keep this up!
UNEP established the World Environmental Day in the 1970's in an effort to raise awareness and encourage everyone to make a positive impact on their environment through action and political activism.  WED is celebrated every year on June 5.  This year, the WED Expo will be celebrated in Milan.  If I am selected as the winner of the blog competition, I will be traveling to Milan to join the celebration with multinational organizations that each contribute to the health and well being of the Earth and it's 7 billion inhabitants.  This would be an incredible experience for me, to say the least!
Finalists are encouraged to share their blog as much as possible on social media and to encourage everyone to visit the UNEP website -
If you like what I've had to say and support WED and UNEP, please pass this along!

Thanks Again,
Allie Ballentine


  1. Fantastic! More positive voices like yours need to be heard! Congratulations on your nomination.

  2. Finalists are encouraged to share their blog as much as possible on social media and to encourage everyone to visit the UNEP is very amazing in the scholarship essay writing help
